Please read following information before coming on the conference:






Place and time:

Project’s “Volunteer for Tomorrow” final conference called “Youth – the future of volunteering takes place from 13-14. December 2011 at 10.00 in the framework of European Year of Volunteering 2011 and is one of its final big events. The Conference takes place in Tallink SPA & Conference Hotel, Sadama 11a, Tallinn 10111 (map)



Conference theme:


„Youth – the future of volunteering?“ tackles as its main topic the participation of young people in volunteer work. Its main outcome is a volunteer work strategy aimed at involving young people more effectively in volunteer work. Strategy will be made public and its implementation will involve governmental institutions, schools and representatives of the NGO sector.


The pre-work of this conference has been done by the youth conference „Volunteer work – to whom and why?“ and a conference-seminar directed at experts „Volunteer work through an expert’s perspective“, where the solutions offered have been gathered to a base-document for the strategy.


Important resources:


Before you arrive we would like for you to get acquainted with the following materials, so you could effectively participate in the work process:

  1. Youth outreach strategy in volunteering 2012-2015 – working draft (PDF)
  2. Civil Society Development Plan 2011-2014 (PDF in Estonian)
  3. National Report of Estonia to European Commission (PDF) 
  4. Volunteer work – involving and motivation (PDF in Estonian).
  5. "Volunteer for tomorrow" I and II  conference summary (PDF)





The expected participants are those who are interested in the topic of volunteering and youth involvement in the society, in order to discuss the future of volunteering and to develop youth outreach strategy in volunteering.

Among the performers are express on volunteering from the Internal Ministry, Volunteer Work Development Centre, Tallinn University and elsewhere. Regional minister Siim Kiisler participates in the final ceremony on 14.12.2011




Accommodation, food and transport:


The organisers will cover food and materials during the conference. Accommodation will be provided to those coming from outside Tallinn in Tallink Express Hotellis (address: Sadama 9 Tallinn), 2-3 people in one room. Accommodation will take place on the principles of age and gender. All participants may apply for transport reimbursement in agreement with organisers, on the basis of an application and bus tickets. Bus ticket dates must be between 12.12-14.12).  PARTICIPATION IS FREE




Supporters and organisers:

Conference is supported by European Commission. Conference  takes place in the framework of project “Volunteer for Tomorrow“ organised by Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, Tallinn Sort and Youth Department, Vaivara Communa Administration, MTÜ Peace Child Estonia and Estonian Ministry of Interior.